kenting the beach in Taiwan

Publié le par Ian

If you come to Taiwan, you have to go to Kenting.

Kenting is located in the south of  Taiwan. The ocean is blue, the sand is great, the National park in the mountain is spectacular.

There are activities for everyone as you will see in the following pictures.

(my wife Annie)

(watch where you put your feet) poisonous wasp/centipedes/snakes

( I don't know what they are doing there, but it seems relax)

( One advice. Get out of the city)

(Damn I love those machines. Too bad I don't live next to the ocean or I would buy one). lol. 

(One very happy camper).

( Did I tell you that a race go carts every weekend? Even on hollidays) 


(In the evening there was a woman that was doing caligraphies)

(You can see my name comming out. If you can notice. The "I" is a tree on top there is a butterfly).


( Next day was back to racing)

There is a lot more to do, but as for me I love to play with something that has an engine.

So long.

Publié dans iantaiwan

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Les photos sont superbes...merci pour le partage ! Il y a combien d'années que tu es là ?? Qu'est-ce qui t'as amené là-bas ?? Veux-tu revenir un jour ou si tu vas terminer tes jours là ?<br /> Bonne journée et à plusss !<br /> Jici
Bonjour et merci de m'avoir visiter.<br /> Ca fait plus de deux ans que je suis ici.<br /> Le hazard m'a  pousser en Koree 1an, le Japon par la suite pour terminee ici. Je venais de me separer et je n'etais pas heureux dans mon emploi.Mon frere et ma mere tais deja en Koree. Je me suis dit pourquoi pas.<br /> Je n'ais presentement  aucunement l'intention de rentrer au pay.