I would never want to be a professional video editor

Publié le par Ian

I am getting tired of editing the MMA fight DVD. I have been at it for the past month and I had enough now. Anyway the DVD is finished. But you know what? It's never finished. There is always something that I can do better. That's it, it's finished. I am not going to tweak it more. I have seen these fights so many times that I believe that I have found a way to beat all the fighters there ( In reallity I would still get my ass kicked seriously).

So Tomorrow I am going to the race track. In addition of racing my bike on it, I will shoot a video of the other guys racing on it. 

I love to edit simple racing videos. So THAT IS WHAT WILL DO.

Publié dans iantaiwan

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<br /> Bah, u know, it's the experience the most important!<br /> <br /> Juste pour te dire que je suis toujours la meme mais dans un autre blogue. Des gens ayant découvert mon identité. Si tu as des doutes sur qui je suis, tu peux m'envoyé un courriel...mon tannant!!!<br /> <br /> <br />