I am not back

Publié le par Ian

Hi, I am not back yet. I am so busy that, I don't even time to go to the bathroom.

Just kidding. I am trying to put the new website together and that takes time. I got to go shoot some videos and I am also working on report subjects. It is not as easy as going out and making a video. I have to ask for permission and colaboration from a lot of people. Timing is of the essence and it is not easy to co-ordonate everything.

I have just confirmed a new project with a MMA (mix martial art) Gym to shoot a video next week. That took me 3 weeks of work and preparation to make it happen.

Since I am a new website, it is hard to get people into it, especially sponsors. I have invested 60 000$nt (about 2000$ canadian) in this project.

That is why, I don't have much time to write here.

If you want to help me (without giving me money) Please log on to my new website to help raise the stats and leave a comment, so I can make a pitch to sponsors about the number of people who come to this site. 


Publié dans iantaiwan

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Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!! ________________dissertation
pleased to read you again. i am late with all the articles you have posted and i still didn't read yet.
tu ne veux pas d'argent? bon tant pis.. lolje vais me promener sur ton site alors histoire de faire grimper les stats!bon courage
<br /> Merci Adrenaline C bien gentil.<br /> <br /> Pour l'argent C asser secondaire pour l'instant car je fait mes videos dans la cadre de mes activiter et loisir. Cepandant, il y a quelque projets qui vont necessite des deplacements de la proviend<br /> le besoin de sponsors a plus long terme.<br /> <br /> <br />