I have to much time on my hands.

Publié le par Ian

The summer holidays are hard. I am still working two hours a day but I am not doing much the rest of the time.

I am a little bored. So bored that I am washing my floors 2 times a week. ;)

I would like to go do something outside but it is so hot right now that it is impossible to go outside (33c to 36 average in the last week).  I had Jorge's motorcycle for the last two weeks and I only drove 127km on it. It stayed in the garage.
I can't wait to see my next electricity bill. I got the air conditioning at 16c in the bedroom all night for me and day for my wife (she is working the night shift).

It is so hot now that, when I spill water on the floor, it dries before I can wipe it.
It is so hot now that, I sweat in a cold shower.
It is so hot now that, my urine evaporates before it reaches the toilet bowl.

Get the picture????  Ha ha ha :)

In the good news:
Nikolas, my French friend is back in Taiwan after 4 months in France. He lives 5 minutes from my house but, we don't see each other because, It is so hot that, all our shoes have melted on the road going to each others houses.
Also our other friend Bastien (from France) is in Taiwan from Holland/China/USA/Korea for 2 weeks. We wanted to have a drink today, but it was so hot that, the ice melted before we could get it in the glass.

My friend John is coming to live in our private community in Jhudong. He came to visit the house yesterday. It was so hot that we stayed in the car (with air cond) and looked at the outside of the house with the windows of the car closed. We only opened the windows to ask the landlord if there was air cond in every rooms. He answered yes and John took the house without visiting it.

We also had a Typhoon last week. 16 deads and a lot of damage in the South of the island. Here up North we were ok.

Publié dans iantaiwan

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